Sunday, 25 December 2011

Thank You Allah

Achieve your goals with financial planning

If you want to achieve your financial dreams, you should put them down in writing together with your plans on how you intend to achieve them.

Besides giving you a clearer idea of what you want, a written plan will allow you to track your progress and take any corrective steps needed for you to reach your goal.

Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Manage Your Money Wisely

Whether you earn a little or a lot, it's always wise to budget and plan your finances smartly. Common mistakes that most people would make when it comes to money is getting too deep in debt, paying bills late, and not knowing how to save for the future. You can avoid making these mistakes by always keeping track of where your money goes and knowing what you can spend on.

Friday, 16 December 2011

Demi Matahari

Demi matahari dan sinarnya di pagi hari
Demi bulan apabila ia mengiringi
Demi siang hari bila menampakkan dirinya
Demi malam apabila ia menutupi

Demi langit beserta seluruh binaannya
Demi bumi serta yang ada di hamparannya
Demi jiwa dan seluruh penyempurnaannya

Allah, Subhanallah … Allah, Subhanallah
Allah, Subhanallah … Allah, Subahanallah

Allah mengilhamkan sukma kefasikan dan ketaqwaan
Beruntung bagi yang mensucikan-Nya
Merugi bagi yang mengotori-Nya ... Subhanallah


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Do You want make more money easily 10-15% p.a?

Ambil Tindakan anda sekarang untuk masa depan anda..Please call 016-666 7969 untuk maklumat lanjut.

7 Rahsia Kaya

  1. Bina Impian (Grow Dream)
  2. Bina Kewangan (Grow Money)
  3. Bina Pasukan (Grow Team)
  4. Bina Aliran Tunai (Grow Cash Flow)
  5. Bina Catatan Kewangan (Grow Records)
  6. Bina Pendapatan Pasif (Grow Pasif Income) - Beli Keuntungan 10% p.a
  7. Bina Tindakan sekarang (Grow Action Now) - Increase Income, Decrease Expenses